lundi 2 février 2015

[Q] Help needed: BROM_ERROR : S_DL_GET_DRAM_SETTING_FAIL (5054 topic

Product Name : Lenovo A660
Hardware : MT6577

I do flashing with SP_Flash_Tool_v3.1224.01 for this device . But never successfully processed . Though I have used the stock rom I had a previous backup of the other similar device . When running on a flashing red bar reaches 100 % , always an error with the message : BROM_ERROR : S_DL_GET_DRAM_SETTING_FAIL ( 5054 ) .

I have tried many times some existing solutions in this forum . But still there is no way I can get in to flashing on the device . Here are the steps I did in when flashing with tools :

1 . Turning off and unplugging devices battery (I also have tried to flash with battery but failed)
2 . Plug in USB cable to the devices ( but not to the PC )
3 . Installing the USB VCOM driver for MTK MTK6577
4 . Running SP Flash Tool and enter Scatter File
5 . Click the "Download" button on the SP Flash Tools
6 . Plug in the USB cable from the devices to the computer while pressing the volume up button .
7 . Looking into the computer screen flashing process is happening .

Initially there is a process with a red bar marks . Device driver is detected as well ( seen in the device manager ) . When the bar reaches 100 % in the red , the device is detected by the DA USB VCOM port ( COM 28 ) . But immediately displays an error message BROM_ERROR : S_DL_GET_DRAM_SETTING_FAIL ( 5054 ) and the process of flashing the device failed .
I can't even boot the phone anymore.

Can someone help me ?

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